Friday, November 4, 2011

human rights according to ISLAM

Yeo Kien Kiong dont be a troll; here people are discussing a very imprtant topic , and you posted something ABHORRENT to Islamic teachings. is this the attitude and method of people like you who are championing something so that you ANNOY and provoke others who you know totally reject and will not hesitate to oppose? HORMAT la sikit orang ISLAM kat sini. jangan jadi kurang ajar.

admin, remove Yeo Kien Kiong. this is not a kopitiam. even at kopitiam, you cannot enter it and start secreaming and annoying people. EXTREMIST according to you. who are you to label people? you are abusive and vulgar, as much as those you scorned.

KURANG AJAR PUNYA KAFIR, hang masuk dlm tempat orang sedang berbincang topik lain, hang duk caci pulak. hang tu yg EXTREMIST

human rights according to ISLAM, the system that comes from THE CREATOR of HUMAN. eh Yeo Kien Kiong, ISLAM 1400 thousand years ago brought UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS and womens rights, at the same time the Europeans and even the Chinese kingdom were enslaving others.

and you enter the conversation here, disrespecting and abusing the privilige of `new media' to talk down as if Muslims here must accept your view and attitude, just because you crashed in like that? kurang ajar. dah la kapiaq, bodoh pulak.

konon nak label org extremist. go and `crash in' some Christian groups or maybe the Pope of Vatican's fan page, and annoy them. or maybe some Buddhist devotee/priest groups who abstain from sex and marriage. and tell them they are extremists, intolerant.

YOU DIDNT EVEN BOTHER TO ASK " what is being discussed here" in hte first place?! if you intent to learn about ISLAM, yes, we are MORE THAN HAPPY to chat with you, and maybe even meet in FRIENDLY manner. i dont expect you to be gullible about Islam. but i dont suspect if you maybe intent to HARASS or influence some Muslims here to support your agenda. you didnt even bother to ask WHAT IS the topic being promoted here. and yet you being idiotic jumped in and lectured on your version of human rights.

excuse me, but ISLAM teaches about true HUMAN RIGHTS and RESPONSIBILITIES.

even sexual promiscuity is not allowed. ISLAM is against free sex, homosexuality, prostitution, paedophilia, rape and even forbid sodomy [even a husband cannot do this to his wife].

dah la KAFIR, nak perlekehkan pulak pemimpin ISLAM dan ajaran Islam. tapi tak mahu dengar langsung pasal ISLAM. BODOH, gi mati kafir la *aku dah marah ni

ISLAM teaches about true HUMAN RIGHTS and RESPONSIBILITIES. even sexual promiscuity is not allowed. ISLAM is against free sex, homosexuality, prostitution, paedophilia, rape and even forbid sodomy [even a husband cannot do this to his wife]. and yet, a non Muslim had the gut to crash in and start shouting and labeling

ISLAM teaches about MORALITY, PIETY, about doing GOOD to others. not being self important, ignoring the pilight of the poor, downtrodden. and yet there are people who busy themselves with `rights for free sex'. MAYBE THEY WILL DIE OF STARVATION because NOBODY SEEKS PROSTITUte [PAID SEX], or maintain extra-marital affair .

ORANG ISLAM kena tahu pasal HAK ASASI MANUSIA dan TANGGUNGJAWAB manusia. ni nak jawab puak2 seks bebas ni. dah la KAFIR, nak perlekehkan pulak pemimpin ISLAM dan ajaran Islam. tapi tak mahu dengar langsung pasal ISLAM. BODOH, gi mati kafir la *aku dah marah ni

go and `crash in' some Christian groups or maybe the Pope of Vatican's fan page, and annoy them. or maybe some Buddhist devotee/priest groups who abstain from sex and marriage. and tell them they are extremists, intolerant.

or MAYBE YOU CAN GO and show your SUPPORT for those PRIESTS who sodomized some boys. they have rights too. and even if the Churches paid BILLIONS of dollars for out of court settlement, the victims were traumatized and shamed. why dont you join the cause of the victims? errr or are you with the homosexual priests?

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